Home Prewrath Stories A Prewrath Pastor’s Story

A Prewrath Pastor’s Story

by Alan Kurschner

I am typical with regard to end time beliefs. I began as a pre-tribber simply because the literature for that position was widely published and available when I was learning about end time scenarios. Under the influence of the writings of Lindsey, Walvoord, Chafer, LaHaye, Heibert, Weust, Jensen, et al, I accepted the standard line for Christ’s return as pre-trib. It was the easy position to believe since the supposed outcome is rapture prior to the 7-year tribulation period. However, when studying the pre-trib position, I was never satisfied with the order of or explanation of events in light of the plain teaching of Scripture.
In 1983 I was called into full-time ministry. After completing undergraduate work at Columbia Bible College, I entered my first ministry in 1986 as a dedicated pre-tribber. I committed to expository preaching at the inception of my ministry. In the process of my teaching and preaching I was isolated with the Bible and all my pre-trib commentaries. In 1989 the crisis moment came. While exegeting 2 Thess 2:1-4, I realized the Bible described two conditions that had to exist before the return of Christ. Further, I realized those two conditions made pre-trib rapturism untenable. None of the pre-trib commentators dealt honestly with what I plainly saw in the Bible. The crisis was this: God seemed to ask me, “Which one is correct? The Bible or the commentators?” From that day I was looking for a better explanation for the return of Christ and attendant events.
While I was going through my dilemma, I was a subscriber to the pre-trib ministry and magazine “Israel, My Glory.” At the time the ministry was under the leadership of Marv Rosenthal. I am sure most pre-wrathers know his story. Since I was on his mailing list, I received an invitation for a copy of his new book, The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church. I received the book on June 30, 1990 and read it immediately. Upon completion of his book, I remarked to my wife that someone had finally put together a sensible Scriptural scenario about Christ’s Second Coming. Since that reading I deserted the pre-trib position due to the plain truth of the pre-wrath position. What the pre-trib position could not explain became abundantly clear through the pre-wrath interpretation.. In 1992 I also read Robert Van Kampen’s book, “The Sign.” The study of his book served to solidify my place as a pre-wrath adherent.
As a pastor I advised my congregation of my new position about the timing of the rapture. They heard me openly, and although the church was historically pre-trib, they allowed me to remain and teach the new position without controversy. Since the inception of the pre-wrath position, I have held to this approach concerning the return of Christ. It is the only position which takes into account all portions of Scripture without having to resort to what I call “theological tap dancing.” Pre-wrath is an honest appeal to Scripture for understanding of the plain sense of the Bible with regard to end time events.
In His Service,
John Hall
CROSS Roads Church

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