Home Announcements An Urgent Request

An Urgent Request

by Charles Cooper

The Bible declares,

The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness. Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and there was no rain on the land for three years and six months! Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the land sprouted with a harvest, [James 5:16b-18, NET].

Men and women having faith in God and in his power must challenge evil when it is emboldened and refuses to stop. Just as in the days of Elijah, it can be said of our present government, “Ahab (the king) did more to provoke the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him” [1 Kings 16:33].

God will work for the benefit of his people, if we believe in him and ask him to move powerfully on our behalf. Our nation has come to a critical point. Evil must be stopped. The power of God must be displayed that all men might fear him. There are those who do not believe that God interferes in the lives of men for their good.

In Elijah’s day, only one man stood against evil. Elijah prayed that heaven would withhold its rain and it did so for three and a half years. It is again time for righteous men to pray. We must pray that the Lord will once again put the fear of God in the hearts of men. This is the only way we can slow down this oncoming train of destruction that has hijacked our country – and to a great extent – our Constitution.

We are looking for the Elijahs of our day. After all, James 5:17 records that Elijah was just like we are. So, if he could count on the Lord for miracles – then, so can we! We must become willing to pray earnestly to God that his power might be demonstrated, in order that all men will know that it is he who directs in the events of men.

Please consider taking a gift survey. If you are willing and available, we need as many people as possible to take our upcoming class: “Faith for the Final.” We are specifically looking for people who have the spiritual gift of faith. This is the reason we want you to take a gift survey. If you do not know, or are unsure of your gift strengths, please consider taking the following test: http://www.churchgrowth.org/cgi-cg/gifts.cgi?intro=1

If you have the gift of faith, or you are able to function in this area, please consider becoming part of our prayer team to see a powerful move of God just as in Elijah’s day. Sadly, the only thing that is often missing is people’s understanding of biblical faith. Satan has a victory in the lives of most people. The most essential asset for serious “followship” of Christ is faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God or see his miraculous power demonstrated in the affairs of men when we seek it. Yet, it is the most misunderstood aspect of the modern Christian church. People do not know what it is, where to get it, or what they can do with it. But, no more! All of that will change for those who seriously want to know.

Please find yourself a faith partner, someone who also has this gift and desires to use it for the glory of God and the survival of our nation. We are going to pray earnestly to God and seek his face. We are going to ask God to display his power so that all men will know that it is God who does it – and not random chance. We are going to ask God to get the attention of men and women to turn them away from evil by a public display of his power.

As you watch each video, prayerfully ask God to reveal his truth to you. Listen to the videos repeatedly until God plants his Word in your heart and it begins to grow and control your actions. In this country, there are people with the gift of faith. You are able to speak and act in great faith towards your God. We need you! Your hour has come. Step forward and allow God to use you. Our nation needs you. We are rapidly moving toward America’s darkest hour ever. Evil has shamefully prevailed and madness controls our nation. Please, please help us!

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