Some of you know that Brother Andrew worked with Corrie ten Boom for 25 years. And a little known fact, acknowledged in older copies of The Hiding Place, is when John Sherill interviewed Brother Andrew, he talked about Aunt Corrie so much that it inspired the book The Hiding Place! His ministry is Open Doors and Open Doors Internationally.
Here you can purchase How to Survive the Great Tribulation: Fight, Flight, or Faith.
Book Recommendations
Todd Bolen says,
The best archaeological guide to Israel is now out in its fifth edition. The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide, by Jerome Murphy-O’Connor is the best companion for a trip to ancient sites anywhere in Israel. The section on Jerusalem is especially lengthy (150 pages in the 4th edition), and the whole is accurate and readable. Don’t expect to find out about hotels or restaurants – this is a guide to archaeological sites only! The 4th edition came out in 1998, so while I haven’t yet seen the new edition, I expect it will have significant updates. The author has lived in Jerusalem longer than I have been alive.
Premillennial Nuggets: The Coming Millennial Kingdom : A Case for Premillennial Interpretation
Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend
Fourteen evangelical scholars have brought together a collection of essays for the best case for Premillennialism under one cover. With each scholar writing in his field of expertise, this book covers both the Old and New Testaments and gives cogent exegetical evidence for Premillennialism. The Post and Amillennial views are interacted with as well. Indeed, after reading this book one will never be able to say, “Premillennialism is argued in only a few verses in Revelation 20.”
Every premiller should have this book in their library!
1. Premillennialism Introduced: Hermeneutics
Elliot E. Johnson
2. Evidence from Genesis
Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.
3. Evidence from Psalm 89
Ronald B. Allen
4. Evidence from Isaiah 2
John H. Sailhamer
5. Evidence from Jeremiah
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
6. Evidence from Ezekiel
Mark F. Rooker
7. Evidence from Daniel
Kenneth L. Barker
8. Evidence from Joel and Amos
Homer Heater, Jr.
9. Evidence from Matthew
David K. Lowery
10. Evidence from Acts
Darrell L. Bock
11. Evidence from Romans 9-11
S. Lewis Johnson, Jr.
12. Evidence from 1 Corinthians 15
D. Edmond Hiebert
13. Evidence from Revelation 20
Harold W. Hoehner
14. Premillennialism Summarized: Conclusion
Jeffrery L. Townsend
5 Good Reasons to Own a Gospel Synopsis
“The most valuable tool that I use when I study the gospels as a whole or just a single passage (“pericope”) is a synopsis. It is truly at arm’s reach from my desk. The concept of a synopsis is very simple. It is a format that arranges the gospel parallel stories, teachings, parables, etc. in parallel columns (hence, sun “together,” opsis “seeing”).” Continue Reading…