Blaising’s Understanding of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (#2)
Charles Cooper
In the new book, Three Views on The Rapture: Pretribulation, Prewrath, or Posttribulation, Craig Blaising, et al, he asks the question:
Should we understand the day of the Lord here to be coextensive with or identical to the seventieth week of Daniel, which pretribulationists understand by the term tribulation?
Before we deal with the essence of Blaising’s question, we must first speak to the matter concerning the pretribulationist’s labeling of Daniel’s final week as “tribulation.” Sadly, Blaising missed an excellent opportunity to correct what clearly is prejudicial, inappropriate, and completely lacking in biblical authority – the misnaming of Daniel’s final week. Nowhere in Scripture is there an explicit biblical basis for labeling Daniel’s final week as “tribulation.” It unnecessarily implies that the entire seven-year period is one of “tribulation,” when in reality that is not the case.