Home Pretribulationism Election Contradicts Imminence

Election Contradicts Imminence

by Alan Kurschner

“The Bible does not teach an any-moment Return of Christ, but rather it teaches the right-moment Return of Christ.” – Charles Cooper

In the recently begun new series on Prewrath Radio Online, Charles Cooper cogently argued that the fact of Biblical election clearly contradicts the pretribulational doctrine of imminence. If I am not mistaken, this is the first time ever, in audio or print, that this argument has been articulated–from a prewrather, or post-triber. Though some may not see the significance of this argument at first, I am convinced that it is one of the most effective Biblical arguments against imminence–it is an airtight argument that every prewrather can use when discussing imminency with a pretriber.
I have tested it for years on pretribbers and every attempt they throw at it has fallen far short. There is absolutely no wiggle room. And therefore it should be mastered by the prewrather and used with confidence to demonstrate the necessity of the event of the salvation of God’s elect that must take place before the rapture happens.
Indeed, the Bible teaches specific eschatological events that must precede the rapture, but the necessity of the salvation of the elect is so obviously taught in Scripture that it should be cited as an 800-pound gorilla against imminency. In a soon-future post, I will unpack it and explain how to use this argument with pretribbers–it is actually very simple. I will also list all the failed pretrib objections to it and my responses to each one.
If you have not listened to Charles Cooper explicate this argument in the recent program, here you go (I’d suggest sending this audio link to your pretrib friends).

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