Home Exhortation God Has Spoken With Clarity On His Son’s Coming

God Has Spoken With Clarity On His Son’s Coming

by Alan Kurschner

There are many today who believe they are pious for doubting that God has spoken with clarity on the Return of his Son. They are called Panmillennialists (i.e. “we cannot know…it will all pan out in the end.”)
But Jesus teaches in Matthew 24 that this attitude of panmillennialism is sinful, and exhorts us not to have doubt but knowledge, “even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
Charles Spurgeon’s words here on doubters applies to those post-moderns who call themselves evangelicals and sadly extol doubt as a virtue and certainty as a vice. May God turn their hearts back to the plain and clear words of our Lord.

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