Home Prewrath Resources My Favorite Prewrath Resource

My Favorite Prewrath Resource

by Alan Kurschner

The short book, The Prewrath Rapture Position Explained: Plain and Simple is my favorite Prewrath resource to give to believers who are interested in eschatology. It is a very short book that can be read in one or two days–and we sell it for only $2.00! Because it is a bare bones, straightforward, lucid explanation of the Prewrath position, it introduces people to the basics of what Prewrath teaches.
Given the conciseness and the inexpensiveness of the book I have often carried twenty copies of it in my car to hand out to folks who I have engaged in discussions on the Second Coming.
So if you are the type of person who strikes up discussions with other believers on this subject, purchase 5, 10, or even 20 and keep them in your car for when the occasion arises. Further, if you are a pastor, teacher, or small group leader who teaches Prewrath in your church, the book can be used as a guide or supplement to your lessons.
Also, if you have a staunch pretribulational friend or relative, I would suggest the more expanded book, The Rapture Question Answered: Plain and Simple (Which we offer as well for purchase). This book covers the same material as the first one mentioned but it goes more in depth in refuting pretribulational arguments.
At this time I would like to announce a sneak preview to a new feature that we are launching for our blog in less than a few weeks. Besides selling books, we are adding two more product categories to our Shopping Cart: Downloadable MP3 Prewrath lectures; and a category of “Free Prewrath Resources” which will include selected audio, past issues of the Parousia newsletter, Powerpoint Presentations, and more–all of which will be downloadable. I will make an official announcement once it is launched. Stay Tuned!

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