Home Hermeneutics Part 7 – A Response to “The Uncertainty of the Timing of the Rapture”

Part 7 – A Response to “The Uncertainty of the Timing of the Rapture”

by Alan Kurschner

I am continuing my response to Pastor Bob DeWaay. He believes that prophecy (related to Christ’s Second Coming) is not given in chronological order in the Bible for this reason:

“[W]e can see prophecies in the Old Testament about Christ’s Coming that contains both first and second advent material not necessarily in order.”

There you go. That is his reason. Never mind that this is an illogical inference. And never mind bothering to look to see if God’s progressive revelation in the New Testament may have something to say about this. For DeWaay, since God did not reveal in the Old Testament a chronological relationship between the first and second coming, the New Testament therefore does not give a chronology of his Second Coming. He is adducing a logical deductive reason, not an inductive reason from the New Testament.
He does not explain how his premise (God did not reveal specific information in the OT) necessarily infers his conclusion (God did not reveal specific information in the NT).
Not only is this a logically unsound and invalid argument, but I have shown in Parts 3-5 in this series that the New Testament provides a clear chronological framework of Christ’s Second Coming.

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