Home Prewrath The Consistency of the “Cosmic Disturbance” Motif

The Consistency of the “Cosmic Disturbance” Motif

by Alan Kurschner

Over a year ago I wrote an article titled, “A Case for the Prewrath Rapture: the ‘Cosmic Disturbances’.” This article has been one of the more popular in the past year, so those who are new here I would encourage you to read it.
In prophecy discussions you will often hear folks invoke some “key” to unlocking an understanding to prophecy passages. Often that key ends up being someone’s tradition, or one ambiguous passage that is used to filter all other prophetic passages. What you have as a result then is not an unlocking of prophetic mystery, but simply distortion that is even more confusing and misleadding than before.
In my view, the “Cosmic Disturbance” motif is a significant key to unlocking a proper understanding of end-time passages because it is precisely just that: a motif. It is found in almost every major eschatological passage that discusses the Day of the Lord’s wrath. And the consistency is very striking in that it functions as an announcement of God’s wrath upon the ungodly.
There are several ways to introduce the Prewrath position to your friends and family, and the approach that I use most often is tracing the Cosmic Disturbance motif starting with the Old Testament passages, then the Olivet Discourse, and finishing with Revelation’s sixth seal.
I believe that demonstrating the consistency of this motif reveals the coherency of the connection of the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming. In fact, I have had not a few tell me that when they saw this prominent theme and how it functions as an announcement to the Day of the Lord’s wrath, they could no longer hold to the pretribulational view.

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