Home Pretribulationism The Prewrath Rapture Guys Responding to Dr. Mal Couch

The Prewrath Rapture Guys Responding to Dr. Mal Couch

by Alan Kurschner

Mal Couch.jpgMal Couch has started a series responding to “the Prewrath Rapture Guys” here. I thought it would be appropriate to respond back!
He writes,

I thought the PreWrath Rapture guys had been put out to pasture a long time ago! But I guess error has a way of continually re-surfacing again and again.

Dr. Couch sadly does not understand that not only has the prewrath view not been put out to pasture but there are now prewrathers feeding on a thousand hills. And the more pretribs that are introduced to the prewrath position — from actual prewrath sources! — the more prewrath hills will be feeding believers.
I read his part-one article hoping that there would be some meaningful argumentation from this pretrib teacher but sadly I found strawmen and sophomoric statements such as,

They need to go to counseling!

“But the spiritually challenged PreWrath guys ignore or certainly dance around…”

Not to mention his use of CAPITAL LETTERS to try to get his point across as if that lends credibility to his argumentation.
Yes, believe it or not, he is one of the more noted pretrib teachers out there. Of course, these type of statements can only be indicative of desperation. They know that prewrath is gaining much ground on pretribulationism but they realize that they cannot ignore it anymore so when they actually do have to address it, they have to misrepresent it as they have done from day one. That is fine with us actually because thinking believers will (and have) seen right through these smoke and mirrors.
Next week I will address his article point by point demonstrating that Mal Couch is ignorant in his use of Greek (he commits the “aorist is the past tense” fallacy!). Further, he shows no evidence of understanding the prewrath view (or wanting to) and he makes hackneyed assumptions when he argues against the prewrath view which only begs questions.
Incidentally, we can understand why Mal Couch and other pretrib teachers won’t debate us in public moderated debates anymore after Cooper and Best dismantled Couch in a debate in Texas back in 1999.

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