Home Thessalonians 1&2 Thessalonian Nuggets:

Thessalonian Nuggets:

by Alan Kurschner

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This is the first installment of what will be an in-depth study into the Thessalonian epistles. It will not be a verse-by-verse series per se, nor will it be simply a topical study. It will be both. At times I will discuss particular verses or small units of text, and at other times, there will be thematic discussion.
Some of the articles will be relevant to the Prewrath position, and some will deal with other theological, apologetic, devotional, and “critical” matters. For example, were you aware that the shortest verse in the New Testament is not “Jesus wept“? Ok…it is the shortest in the English Bible, but not in the Greek Bible. The shortest Greek verse is found in Thessalonians–and though it is very short, it is one of the most difficult teachings to apply to the Christian life. What is this verse you ask? You will have to be patience until that time!
For more of a sampling of what is to come this year in this series:
1) The traditional interpretation of the “idle” persons in 2Thess 3 is an eschatological explanation. But there is a more compelling reason that is due to a particular social dynamic in the Thessalonian church that causes some to be idle.
2) There are many who deny the concept of a “rapture” in 1Thess 4:17, “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

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