Home Pretribulationism Biltz Responds to Prewrath Rapture Dot Com

Biltz Responds to Prewrath Rapture Dot Com

by Alan Kurschner

Mark Biltz and myself have had some email exchanges this past week. He has also posted a response of qualifications and clarifications of what he believes, so in all fairness here is his article. I want to say a couple of things and I will leave it at that. I do think there are some inconsistencies between his clarification article and the interview he did for “Prophecy in the News.” But I will let the readers be the judge of that.
I just find it difficult that now Biltz is saying that he is not concerned with the timing of the Second Coming of Christ or the rapture, but in the interview, there was this exchange:
J. R. Church: This we are going to see in 2015 on the first day of the first month and again on the first day of the seventh month
Mark Biltz: Exactly
Church: which is the Jewish New Year; and that concludes, it is Tishri 1 that concludes the Sabbatical year
Biltz: yes
Church: wow
Biltz: yes
Church: it’s time for the Messiah to show up, right?
Biltz: yes! [an emphatic “yes” at that]
If anyone thinks I am taking that out of context then they can view the video for themselves.
Biltz says now in his article, “IF these eclipses in 2015 are what the Lord was referring to, then 2015 would look like a possible year for His feet to land on the Mt of Olives.” One would have only desired to see such a stress of qualification in the interview with the pretrib interviewers.
It is difficult as well to watch the interview and think that Biltz is “neutral” and only “providing data.”
Watching the interview one does not get the sense that Biltz is just the messenger providing the data, and they can take the data and do with it however they want with it. In the interview one observes an excited Biltz agreeing with the interviewers Gary Stearman, and J. R. Church — there is no disagreement or meaningful disclaimers in that interview. The last folks that you would want to share such information with is pretrib sensationalists.

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