Home Exhortation My Top Ten Convictions And Commitments as a Student of End-Times Prophecy

My Top Ten Convictions And Commitments as a Student of End-Times Prophecy

by Guest Contributors

By Allen Hadidian who is the designer of “The Prewrath Chart
(The following is from the closing message at the January, 2008 conference in Orlando.)
10. Regarding my teaching skills: I will seek to sharpen my skills in teaching end-times prophecy.
9. Regarding the content I teach: I will not simply teach others what I have been taught. I will make sure I have done my own homework to determine whether Scripture does indeed confirm the truths I’m considering.
8. Regarding my ego: I don’t have the personal need to prove to others that I am right.
7. Regarding my knowledge: I don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle or see all the evidence that is out there; therefore, there is always something for me to learn from someone else.
6. Regarding other positions: I will seek to understand opposing viewpoints and the rationale behind those positions.
5. Regarding critiques and hard questions asked of the position I hold:
a. I will read, and not avoid, books and articles critiquing the position I hold. I will be open to hearing and examining difficult questions regarding the position I hold.
b. When a hard question is asked and I have no clue how to answer it, I will say, “You have a good point. I really don’t know how to answer that question. Give me time to think it through.”
4. Regarding problems and errors in the position I hold:
a. When I discover problems in the position I hold, I will be honest with others regarding them and not feel the need to hide them.
b. When I see an error in my “system,” I will say, “I was wrong.”
3. Regarding the cost: I am willing to pay the price if I change my position.
2. Regarding Christ’s heart: I will always keep in mind the commandment of the Lord Jesus; the one always on His heart, emphasized over and over again to His disciples. It was not, “Locate the timing of the Rapture and convince others of it,” but rather, “Love one another.”
1. Regarding God’s goal: I will pursue as my greatest pleasure in life that which I will experience at the coming of Christ in the clouds — the inexpressible joy and delight of marveling at His glory.

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