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What is “RSS” All About?

by Alan Kurschner

Have you heard of the intimidating Internet terms, “RSS,” “RSS Feed,” or “RSS Reader” thrown around? You may have noticed that most websites and blogs today use this new subscription service because they want their readers or customers to be notified of any new content to their site. In other words, in “Bookmarking” a site you have to manually search for any new content though there may not even be any–and that takes a lot of time. But RSS automatically notifies you of any new content–and brings it right to your door step without even going to the website to view it!
Many of the readers to this blog are notified of new posts via email. And that is an excellent means of notification. But if you follow several or more blogs or other websites daily, it would save you a lot of time to have new content from those sites aggregated to one place–and that is what an RSS program does for you.
Tim Challies has demythologized this often-enigmatic Internet function for us by writing a brief and lucid explanation. You can read it here.
If you choose to read this article, then afterwards, I would recommend the popular web-based RSS program called “Bloglines.” And if you choose to use the Bloglines RSS program or some other, then this blog’s RSS address that you can subscribe to is here; or if you look over to the right you will see an image that says, “RSS VALID” that you can click on.
Don’t you feel like a techy now after reading this!
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